Saturday, April 01, 2006

On my own

Sam is gone this weekend to Aquire the Fire with the youth. It hasn't been to bad so far. Brandon (nephew) came to spend the night with Justus and they had a blast-I on the other hand ended up with a headache. They wrestled, played cars, basketball, etc. And finally crashed sometime after midnight.

They're up again running around so I guess I'll go. Hope everyone is having a great weekend. Love each of you!!!


Staci said...

Thanks for the phone call today. And thank you for listening to me blab about everything and nothing for that matter. I always seem to talk your ear off!

Say a prayer for us, Our Pastor is sick, so Chris is in charge of the services on Sunday- We have 2 am services plus he teaches Sunday School between them... and normally Chris runs sound- so he will have to do it all for the first service! Yikes.

Anyway- Hope Justus gives you a break when Sam gets home!

Anonymous said...

Aquire the Fire!!! That is where I got saved! Ahhhh- good stuff! Hopefully you get a break soon..Benadryl works wonders ;)