Thursday, May 04, 2006


Well I guess no one reads this stupid thing anymore- OH well, I know I'm not so good at keeping up. Anyways in case someone might read this Justus has had two firsts this week. Lucky me I was the one with him when they happened.

#1. His first splinter. Oh what fun we had. The first half came out easily. But the second part took an additional 30 minutes to get out. I tried, then Nana, & finally uncle Jake got the blasted thing out. Poor kid. His finger was poked, prodded & squeezed. Followed by peroxide & neosporin. J couldn't quite say splinter, it can out sounding like "pinner".

#2. First poop in the bath tub. OMG. I remember once I was hanging out with Sam's youth pastors wife and we were giving the kids a pooped. I thought it was so funny but she was embarrased. It wasn't that funny tonight. There must have been 15 poop balls floating around in the tub. By the time I got it all out I was out of breath and my tummy was hurting. I was wishing Sam didn't have to work tonight. Talk about disinfectant!!!!!! Gross I know. A moms rule- expect the unexpected. Tonight I was caught off guard.


Nicole said...

i'm reading it... and laughing over the poop balls!!!

dana said...

It took Jesse a good 3 yrs at least before his first poop in the bath, and Emma hasn't done that yet. But we do deal with quite a few splinters cuz we live around lots of trees and both my kids love to climb. Plus the park we go to is all wood equipment. Glad you are still with us too, I enjoy catching up with you.

Jamie said...

Well... I didn't post about it, but Bryant did his first bath tub poop the other night. Let me just say, be thankful for balls of poop. Nuf said!! And I promise I still read!! I just don't get a lot of time to comment sometimes!

Staci said...

I never even thought about kids pooping in the bath tub! Gross! I will keep that in mind with Chloe- I'm sure I will post about it when it happens... and according to all you ladies, IT WILL HAPPEN!