Wednesday, May 16, 2007

My bebe's

The boys keep me on my toes so there is never a dull moment around here. Ezekiel absolutely adores Justus and is trying very hard to keep up. It's pretty funny to watch. For the most part Justus handles it pretty well. I am so thankful for that!

Justus has started pointing to letters & numbers and trying to identify them (incorrectly of course). I'm glad that he is finally taking interest. So this summer I want to work on that. He wasn't at all interested by them this time last year and I find that if I patiently wait until he's ready then it is so much easier than pushing him. We both enjoy the process so much more.

Ezekiel is growing by leaps & bounds. He likes to touch faces so he's learning boyd parts. So far sticking his finger up my nose is what gives him a kick. Believe me I avoid it at all cost but at least he knows what a nose is. Hehe. He also like ears & pulling out my earings -OUCH!!!!

He is also saying momma on a regular basis now. It's really cute. And he says 'num, num' when he's hungry. Sometimes he gets them confused or maybe I just hear it that way. He really likes balls & he will say ball too. Up to this point it's all been squeals & giggles so its great to hear him 'talk' a bit!!!

This week he has started taking more steps. He walked across the room in the nursery; I wish I had been there to see it!!!! At home he will take eight to ten steps at a time. Whew he is growing fast!!!!!

And now he's up from his nap so I've got to go.


Nicole said...

my boys only say momma and jeremiah can say dada but thats it