Monday, March 08, 2010

Something new~

We visited a church on Saturday night. I loved the fact that it was at night. The service was short, sweet and to the point. Loved that too. I hope we will go back again. Since we left our previous church we've only done home church. That has many benefits but I still miss the fact of getting out of the house and into some fellowship in a place specifically dedicated to God. Does that make any sense at all? Our homes should be dedicated to God as well. But many times (for me) it becomes my hide out for complacency. "Going" to church is also a form of accountability for me. At home it's easy to plan on doing it later and then never getting around to it.

I also practiced driving a little yesterday. A big step for me since I'm terrified to do it. When I got home I was shaking like a leaf. But not headed towards a panic attack as usual so it's a small step forward.


Staci said...

What church? If you don't mind me asking.

You can drive with me anytime girl! You will get it... keep trying!

native-nc said...

High Rock Community- the salisbury campus.

Linda said...

I love my home church, but it helps a lot that we meet at OTHER peoples' houses. I think it would be harder if it were at my house or just involved my family. Having fellowship is pretty important, at least for me... I don't do so well without it.