Friday, January 20, 2006

More pregnancy moments...

Today was my doctors appointment, all is well so I will get to that part in a minute. I guess I'll start from the beginning. First I had to shave my legs just because I was going to the doctor. And I wasn't sure what all would be happening this time. I noticed later that I missed a few spots but am overall glad I took the extra time.

Secondly, we were running slightly late. Our babysitter cut out on us & we had Justus. So that made it more interesting. On my way in from the parking lot to the office I stepped ankle deep into fresh concrete. I shook most of it off but that made me cry b/c it's one of the few pairs of pants that fit. Thankfully most of it cleaned off in the bathroom but I made some poor woman mad because it took several minutes to get that crap off my pants & shoes. Then clean up the sink and the floor.

Then they were running late. I was there at 10 o'clock & went in for the ultrasound by 10:30. It was an internal.......had NOT planned for that. I only had one ultrasound w/Justus. And it wasn't internal...remember Justus was with us today so that made it extra special.

After that was the wait to see the doctor. It took forever, she was running late. I waited another 2 hours to be seen by her. We didn't leave until 1. I was starving but happy that it was finally over! Then we went to Olive Garden & used our last gift card from Christmas. The food was great & now I have heartburn.

And now for the report: We got to see the head, body, arms, legs etc. And most of all the heartbeat. That was the first thing I noticed. So cool!!! The heartrate was 160. No twins for me. They changed my due date from mid July to the 28th. That didn't make me too happy. But what can I do. I go back in a month for a regular check up & in 5 weeks to try and find out the gender. Hope that works out.

Oh yeah, I lost two pounds. My doc said that is normal & the most I need to gain is 20 pounds. I hope to stay closer to the 10 pound number like I did with Justus. Don't worry, starving myself is my style. I just eat healthier when pregnant. That way I have less heartburn and more gas!!

Have to give props to you stack. I'm not sure how you put in your 10-12 hour days all the time. By 4pm I was pooped!!! I layed down for an 1/2 hour and felt refreshed so that was nice. And that's about it for my pregnancy moments for today.

Oh wait I take that back. For all those who puke your way through pregnancy, I finally had my moment. I had some mucus junk at the back of my throat today. When I coughed I got gagged & up came all the water I had been drinking along with some of that nasty mucus. Puking is the most disgusting things ever. YUK! Another pregnancy moment.


dana said...

Poor thing, we were out all day today too, and although I am not pregnant, I was with 2 very antsy kids. I was ready for a nap when we got home too, couldn't take one, but wanted to. Glad things went good, I never had an internal ultrasound, but it doesn't sound too pleasant. love ya

dana said...

my buddy list has your name but next to it it still says "add request pending" you have to push the add button and type my name in. Not sure how to explain it. let me know if you have any questions. love ya

Staci said...

I can't believe you stepped in cement! You forgot to tell me that part of your joyful day! How funny. I had to read it twice to make sure I read it!

I can't imagine only gaining 10 pounds! I only gained 4 pound my first trimester, and I thought I was doing great, and then it happened... BAAAMMMM!!!! On came the pounds... I won't say how much because I am emotional enough as it is! I just know that I weigh myself everyday- and so far since the 11th- I have not gained a pound. It was my goal that when I go see the Doctor on the 26th- that my weight would have not gone up more that one or two pounds! I guess I'm worried 'cause I still have 3 months to go!!! Lord Help me!

Okay next thing...
Well I guess that is it!
Thanks for the comment on my blog- I'm about to post... its been a busy, emotional, crazy week! (but aren't most weeks?)

Nicole said...