Sunday, January 22, 2006

Vision casting

That is basically what our pastor did today and it was geat. He didn't really preach but covered some points that God spoke to him during this week. We had a churchwide fast this past week and several things were confirmed in the hearts of our people and our pastor. Pretty Cool.

Praise & worship was good. And after that we announced the partners in vision (new members). After the service was the new members dinner. Our church is pretty small but after only a year I'd say that we have gained around 75 new members. It's pretty neat watching this small group grow.

Within the next two years we will be building a new sanctuary. Something that our pastor has been talking to us about since we have been here. The way he put a seed of vision out today was really eye opening. The place where the new santuary will be built is right by the road. The only thing on that space is an apple tree which represents the fruit that our church will bare. It is also the space that we use for our outreaches now, so there has already been seed planted there. A cool thought to me.

Justus went straight into his room without one single tear and stayed the entire time. I thought I heard someone screaming once or twice but it wasn't him. Yeah, I get to go to church!!! One quick prayer request, Justus & I both have colds. Sneezing ,coughing, headache & sore throat. Hopefully it wont last too long.


dana said...

wow, cool he stayed without crying. only took 2 years. just in time for baby huh? that is great. congrats. love ya.

ps. my yahoo still says "add request pending" by your name. i am kinda computer stupid too, so I am not sure if I will be able to see if you are on or not. I don't know how to fix this.

dana said...

You have been tagged, but I didn't put the rules on my blog. Basically it is the same as before, list 5 pet peeves, go check out my site to see

Nicole said...

I tag you too... so you can list 10 things :)