Monday, January 23, 2006

Pet peeves & weird things about me

1.All my clothes must be on the same color hanger (black) and face the same way.
2. At night the following items must always be at my side: bottle of water, chapstick, & flashlight. Also a drink & extra diaper for Justus in case he wakes up.
3. I hate it when parents scream at their kids in public. However, I have been so close to doing the same I can understand it.
4. Bathtubs gross me out. I have to clean my tub with bleach BEFORE every bath. I also rinse off in the shower afterwards, just in case.
5. I have an odd habit of picking my feet up off the floor. When I sit in a chair my feet are almost always resting on something else.

6.Long preaching ticks me off. I almost always lose interest, no matter how good it is.
7. I hate to be tickled. I seriously get angry.
8. I still prefer side hugs & get confused when a guy gives me a regular hug.
9. Dirty fingernails make me gag!
10. I am a stinky housekeeper. Which is even worse now that I'm a stay at home mom. When J was born all my organization skills skipped town and haven't returned!

Hope this is satifying to you...I enjoyed reading yours!


Nicole said...

1. um... weird
2. i have to have both phones by me
3. it depends... i dont' have to do it but sometimes i'd wish someone would keep their kid quiet.
4. i have clean my tub often... esp since my child sits in it... and i use bleach for everything.
5. i don't like it when my feet dangle.
6. ditto
7. it hurts me
8. i love hugs... big ones
9. yeah... thats gross
10. i've lost the desire... i guess its cause i lost my house :(

prftpeace said...

on #9---people chewing dirty fingernails!!

Anonymous said...

It was so good to talk to you today! Thanks for all the advice... I will look into everything. Hope you and J are feeling better soon.

Love ya- Shelly Bean

Abigal (couldn't resist it!)

native-nc said...

ps the side hug thing is only with guys. I love hugs too from people whom I love & trust.