Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Justus is driving me crazy!!!!!!!!!! IT has been ONE of THOSE days. As much as he usually amuses me today he has driven me crazy. Here is the short list of stuff we've dealt with today.

1. Throwing toys out the window that has no screen into the rain & dirt.
2. Pulling clean clothes off the hanger & throwing them onto the crumby floor
3. Why is the floor crumby?? B/c daddy gave Justus a piece of cake & let him walk around with it while mommy went to the bathroom. (I had just vacuumed too!~)
4. Climbing onto the dresser, & getting the lotion which is now everywhere. Carpet, concrete, J's hair.etc.
5. Pulling the pennies out of papa's change container & throwing them all over the place while mommy helps clean the kitchen after supper. (No other adults were around to stop him).
6. Taking 15 minutes to pick up blocks instead of 2.

Now for the good my baby did:

Helped me with laundry- I hand him the clothes from washer & he puts them into the dryer and shuts the door.
Took a nap for an hour so I could too.
Helped pick up the toys he had scattered around all day.

Maybe I'm just having a bad day. IT doesn't really have much to do with my youngen'


dana said...

there are days my two just drive me nuts and I know they are just being kids ya know, but it is more than I can handle at the time. It is hard at the time, but then when you think about it, you know, they aren't trying to torture you they are just having fun. Just do what the doodlebops say and take a deep breath and count to 10. I told that to Jesse today when Emma was getting on his nerves and it was pretty amusing. love ya girl

Staci said...

I'm glad you listed the postive things too. I taught tonight in my discipleship class about criticism and how when we have trouble with a certian person- its good to sit down and make a list of GOOD things about that person- since the bad things are already being played in our heads... but by writing out the good- it helps us to focus on the fact that THEY may not be having the best day either. Maybe it was just a bad day for him too.

Glad you made it through- Hopefully you will have a quiet and restful night...
How are you feeling with the pregnancy stuff?

native-nc said...

Honestly, I feel constipated. HAHAHA. ANd YUK. I only have this problem when I'm pregnant. ANd that causes headaches. And sometimes indigestion. SO there are my symptoms. NO throw up, & not much nasua(sp) just the junk above.

Nicole said...
