Thursday, May 19, 2005

American Idol & other nonsense

I agree that Vonzel was the one ot go home last night! She is a very pretty girl with a great voice but, can't be compared with Bo or Carrie. Personally I hope that Bo wins...we'll just have to wait & see. Carrie is good to but, Bo is awesome!

Bethany & Jaiden stopped by after a doctors visit, they are both doing fine. Jaiden is still in the crazy eye phase so I won't post pics unless he is asleep. It is so amazing how fast babies grow, I can tell Jaiden is already getting bigger, the car seat is starting to look smaller.

I discovered that Justus has thrush today. It's white stuff on the tongue, and inside of cheeks & lips. He only has on his lips & the tip of the tongue. It doesn't hurt but lok yucky & won't go away on it's own. There are two causes: leaving milk sitting in their mouths when they fall asleep, and as a result of antibiotics. Justus got it from meds taken for his ear infections.

I now have $100 saved! Sam doesn't know about it...sssssshhhhhhhhhh! This is a miracle b/c Sam only gets paid once a month so by the end of the month we're scrounging up loose change. Ya'll know what I mean. Now the problem is how to spend it...go visit a friend, try to save more for our 5th anniversary in Sept., both our birthdays are coming up this summer. Or we could go to walmart and buy whatever we wanted for groceries instead of using "the list". Don't worry I'm not voting for that one. So any suggestions?


Nicole said...

I do have a suggestion... Dave Ramsey's first step is to start an emergeny fund... for income's over $40,000 you need a $1,000 EF... if you income is less you need $500 for emergencies... I think you should keep saving b/c when something goes wrong (ex. car problems... sick kid) then you can use it instead of getting stressed out!

Hey you asked!

Staci said...

Well Tiff, I know that its a HUGE deal for you to have this money. I from time to time have to make choices like this too. I usually pray about it and then do what I feel is best for both of us. I have been known to spend it on me from time to time, but Chris gave me permission. So Take a trip to see a friend if Sam approves. Or... Spend 1/2 of it on Wal-mart and save the rest. OR Spend $25 on both birthdays, that can be fun- setting a limit, creativity has to come into play. take the other $50 and save it. I am all about making sure you have some money saved up, again for emergencies like Nicole said, but I know how STRESSFUL Life can be in itself and I would love to have some money to get away for a little and relax. I also would love some money to buy new clothes.... thats a given. Yet I always need to send money to my credit card companies... so who am I to ask? I guess I should have avoived the question. I just wanted to blab a little bit. Love ya!!!!

Jamie said...

At the end of last year, I forgot to post a deposit I made for one of my paychecks. We struggled for months, barely getting by... until it finally smoothed out. By then I realized what I had done, never told Hank (my husband) and still have that money tucked away for emergency stuff... just like Nicole said.

Jamie said...

Oh, also... about American Idol. I think that Vonzell has the potential to be a diva... but she needs some experience and some vocal training. I don't think she is going to have a problem with her career though. I actually am of the opinion that she has better vocals than Bo and Carrie, but they have more presence and experience.

Vickie said...

Put that money away and forget about it. Keep adding to it when you can. You never know when that rainy day will come around and you will be so glad you did.