Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Um it really stinks that a xxl doesn't fit anymore. Being a 3x is SO discouraging. Had to get out a little complaint. Think it would help to sew my mouth shut???

Monday, March 22, 2010


Today we visited with Angel at the hospital in Charlotte. Justus was right at home & he and Zeke sat right down and played with Angel for a little while. Myra told me about everything that's been going on since they found the tumor.

As far as they can tell the doctors were able to get most of the tumor. They think that it is/was a slow growing tumor but there may more surgeries and/or needed to get everything. Because of the surgery a lot of Angel's senses were affected. Specifically the coordination & balance part.

She has three different kinds of therapy: recreational, occupational and physical. They keep her pretty busy. Right now she is using a wheel chair to get around most of the time but she is very determined to get out of it soon. While we were there she unbuckled herself twice and started trying to walk on her own. Also affected is her eyesight.

The docs say it will be at least another 2 weeks before she is ready to go home. And be able to stay alone without health care supervision. But they are seeing progress every day & it's really amazing! Please keep Angel in your prayers!

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Urgent Prayer Request~

Please pray for Angel. She is a little girl in Justus' kindergarten class. They found a tumor in her brain and she is scheduled for surgery this week. Angel is a sweet girl who has already overcome many obstacles. And I can't imagine what her parents are going through. I don't know her dad's name but her momma's name is Myra. She and I work together to do the class parties. She is a great mom and I'm sure her heart is breaking right now.

Monday, March 08, 2010

Mal gave me the sweetest hug just a few minutes ago when he woke up from his nap. I LOVE it! He's can be quite grumpy so I especially enjoy the love when he's in the mood! He's starting to "talk" a little. He says his version of "Hey" and "Hey there". Too cute.

Something new~

We visited a church on Saturday night. I loved the fact that it was at night. The service was short, sweet and to the point. Loved that too. I hope we will go back again. Since we left our previous church we've only done home church. That has many benefits but I still miss the fact of getting out of the house and into some fellowship in a place specifically dedicated to God. Does that make any sense at all? Our homes should be dedicated to God as well. But many times (for me) it becomes my hide out for complacency. "Going" to church is also a form of accountability for me. At home it's easy to plan on doing it later and then never getting around to it.

I also practiced driving a little yesterday. A big step for me since I'm terrified to do it. When I got home I was shaking like a leaf. But not headed towards a panic attack as usual so it's a small step forward.

Friday, March 05, 2010


Sometimes I feel so lost. This season of my life is so discouraging. So confusing. To call it a valley would be an understatement. And yet there is so much to be thankful for. My thoughts go back and forth between so many emotions I feel like I could loose my mind at any moment. Let me say I am so grateful for HOPE and a little thing called FAITH. When I get really quiet there is a still small voice reminding me of whom I belong to. Of who I really am. And that is enough to hold onto.