Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Justus has the stomach bug...please pray for my baby!!

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

I had a great birthday! Including dinner at Outback, watching the new X-men movie and a family party here at the house. Mom made crockpot macaroni, dad grilled hotdogs. And we made homemade ice cream & strawberry cobbler! Yummy stuff. There was other food to but those are the hightlights.

Sam got sick on Sunday & spent most of the day in the bathroom or close to a bucket. Thankfully it only last one day & so far no one else has gotten sick!!!! The stomach bug & flu are both going around. ICK.

Last night we went to watch two of our students at their spring chorus concert. It lasted three hours!!!!!! OMG, my butt hurt from sitting on the auditorium, wooden chairs. Still, they did well & I enjoyed it alot!

This weekend is our youth outreach called Elevation. Several churches are involved & we're hoping to make an annual thing. So we got together with our leaders to go over last minute details. And see what still needs to be done. On my to-do list is find a babysitter for Justus...I've already called in my favors for a while.

Sue watched Justus while we did dinner/movie. Mom watched him while we did the three hour test. And Bethany watched him last night during the concert. I'm all out of Good thing it's almost payday!

I have some pics to put up. Justus got so dirty yesterday. I just need to get them off the camera!

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Happy Birthday to me!!!!

So these are two pictures of me that I don't absolutely despise. I have lots more but as I said; these are decent.

Then (about 8 years ago)

Friday, May 26, 2006

Read this:

Looking for a quickie????
Give us 5 minutes. We'll do all the work.

This is the beginning of an ad for a loan. Why does everything have to sexually related???

One, two, three...

I've been three times to the doctor this week!! And now we're running low on gas. Not so good on the budget but hey, whatcha gonna do?? I went on Monday for the three hour test..yuk. Then yesterday for a regular check up. And today for an unscheduled sonagram.

Here is the diagnosis. I DON"T have gestational diabetes!!! Thank you Jesus! Still watching sugars & carbs. If that's possible for a chick who prefers chocolate milk (nesquick) & cereal to any other meal at this point in pregnancy. I have gained only 5 pounds so far but added LOTS of inches. In fact I am measuring three weeks ahead. I told those goofballs not to change my due date (in the beginning), but we shall see what happens. My baby's approximate weight right now is 3lbs 14oz. This ones gonna be a whopper!!! According to the docs due date for me I still have 9 weeks to go.

Technically I could gain twenty more pounds & still be within the "normal" range for an overweight person. My goal is to only gain 15 pounds total. With Justus I gained 8 pounds. I was back in my regular clothes one week after he was born. To bad it didn't stay that way. After all the changes the first year of J's life I gained about 10 pounds and didn't lose it before getting pregnant this time. NOT to bright!!!!!

As usual people are asking stupid questions like: "when are you going to have the next one??" HELLO, can I get this one out first? And they still lie---"you don't look 30 weeks pregnant". Geeze, thanks for the compliment but believe me I feel 31 weeks pregnant & then some!

So in case your wondering; no I"m not complaining just telling you pregnant thoughts!

Also here are a few things I'll share as well.

1. My feet are swollen.
2. My boobs are even bigger.
3. My hips are starting to pop. I'm gettng closer!
4. As far as I"m concerned this baby can come as soon as it's ready (healthy).

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Go Taylor Go!!!!!!!

On the lookout

Yesterday Justus lost one of his "lippers"- slippers. It's been chaos since then. He loves these stinking things. Thankfully I found them upstairs this AM & he immediately took off his tennis shoes in favor of the slippers.

I have washed them several times & there is a whole on the inside where his toes sometimes get stuck. Yet, these are the FAVORITES. He tries to wear them outside instead of shoes. He always wants to keep them on at bedtime & looks for them first thing in the morning. He has almost outgrown them. And since they were a gift I'm not sure where to get a replacement pair.

It's time for a new pair of favorites!

Monday, May 22, 2006

About breasts & breastfeeding

We all agree that having our blogs is a way to express what we're feeling, wondering. To keep in touch & share. So here is my two cents worth.

TO EACH HIS OWN!!!!!!!!!!!!! I personally have not & don't plan to breastfeed. But almost every friend I know has at least tried it. For some it is "easy" & others have nightmare stories. Some breastfeed until kingdom come & some for the first six weeks. A few months; whatever they can.

Here is MY issue as a NON-breastfeeder. Mothers who do breastfeed act like I am an idiot for not doing it. Like I don't know what works for me & my child. Hum, since I spent 24/7 with him & will with this next one I'm pretty sure I can make that decision.

Feeding your child can be awkward(sp?) either way. Breastfeeding in public is a sensitive situation. Hey, what mom wouldn't feed their hungry child?? Formula moms are often looked down on b/c they didn't "TRY" hard enough...and many people make insensitive comments when they really have not clue as to the reasons why a mother is bottle feeding.

There are also several "reasons" why you should breastfeed that just don't sway my position. Just as the reasons I don't breastfeed don't really change the way a breastfeeding mom thinks. I guess we each have to make that decision. Either choice doesn't mean we love our child any less.

Fun sayings from Justus

carlick- garlic
Moobabe- Mermaid

There are so many others that I can' think of right now.

3 hour test

Sam went with me. We were both miserable. Bored. I was nausous(sp?) & Sam was hungry. Resluts later in the week.


Well Sunday is over. We broke even. And had tons of leftovers. So I get the wonderful privelege of doing Wed. night dinner. YIPPEE. It is actually good news. We had leftovers of everything- uncooked noodles, ice, sauce, garlic bread.....blah, blah. We gave away all the desserts that were left over so I will have to do something for that & make some fresh tea but everything else is ready to go. Whatever we sell on Wed. will be profit. We'll see how that goes.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Baby has landed-

ON my bladder. Good Lord; I can't get anything done because I'm always running up & down the stairs with Justus trying to make it to the bathroom. Justus thinks if I go upstairs he must go with me. And then I have to round him up. Such is pregnancy!

One good thing is that I can still breathe somewhat. Nights are difficult, my sinuses seem to swell. But during the day I'm pretty good. I look for the baby to reach my ribs and breathing to be over anytime soon.

ps I can still touch my toes. But not see them.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Tidbits of info.

Today we went to Sam's club & got the stuff for Sunday. Justus was cranky!!! So Sam held him most of the time. Sam claims he now has new muscles he didn't know about. We also made a deposit at the bank & picked up prescriptions all in two hours time! That is a record.

Then we went to the church and I browned the hamburger. And got things organized for Sunday. The whole building smelled like garlic! It took a couple of hours but I am glad it is done with. Less stress.

Once we came home I got off of my feet for an hour or so while Justus took a nap. Followed by supper & bathtime. The usual.

And then back to work. The tea is made (five gallons). And 6 loaves of bread are cut, buttered & garliced. I'm pooped.

Other happening todays. I found out my friend Priscilla is pregnant. She lives in AL & was one of our MC students.

I was also told by a friend that I am as big now (7months/30weeks) as I was right before I had Justus at 35 weeks. So I cannot imagine what 10 more weeks of pregnancy will do to me. This statement only confirmed what I have been feeling. In fact I told my mom I felt like I did right before I had Justus- size wise anyways.

I am going monday for the three hour glucose test....even though I don't want to. A lady from church who had gestational diabetes told me a little bit of what is was like for her. Doesn't sound fun. She also told me a few of the symptoms- including being very thirsty all the time; which I'm not. And a few other things I can't think of. I'm holding out hope that my sugar was high as a fluke. Guess we will find out soon enough.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Spaghetti dinner

This weekend we're having a fundraiser for the kids going to camp...yes, it's a spaghetti dinner. So tommorrow we will go to Sam's club to get the items we need. And then I will start preparing stuff. I like to do as much ahead so I won't get all freaked out & overly anxious. So I will brown the burger, make the dessert, cut, butter & garlic the bread. That kind of thing.
I'm hoping that the kids will make some money off of this. Our last fundraiser went well, each student earned $20. Pretty good considering we have more 20+ going to camp this year.

Also this weekend is a basketball tournament that our students are part of. And Sam is preaching. I won't get to hear him AGAIN. I can't remember the last time I actually heard him speak. Last time it was my turn in nursery. Oh well, one day!

Monday, May 15, 2006

A Happy Mother's Day

I am so thankful that all you mommy's had a great mothers day. Staci, the Sunday outfit compliments you!!! Eli was of course beaming since she got to take baby Anjali home. And Nic, it looks like your weekend wasnt' too bad either.

My day was nice and relaxing. And there are a few others I must still read about. So anyways-happy mother's day again!!!! Hope you enjoyed your family!


Well, I know that I've gained only 1 pound since the last time I went to the doctor. So that is NICE! I have been watching the portions I eat. And ate more often.

However when I took the glucose test it was higher than they want it so I have to go back for the 3 hour. It wouldn't surprise me if I do have gestantional diabetes. It would however be disappointing. I have craved sugar nonstop this time. And I've tried to stay away from it. I haven't done the best job.

Justus helped me cook supper tonight. It included bisquick in the recipe. He is a strange little one. He started eating the clumps of bisquick when it was just the powder no milk or egg added yet. YUK!!

Lotion on the belly is a must at this point. I've been itching~!

Last night I did not wake up once to go to the bathroom; how odd.

Friday, May 12, 2006

At the baby shower

Click on the pic to see more "wonderful" pictures. :) This were taken two weeks ago. Yippee!

More about me-

You guys know me pretty well. I laughed & cried when reading about me. Then went to bed & tried to sleep. I layed there an hour before deciding to get up & write a few more things. So here's what I came up with.

121. At night when I can't sleep I pray first. Then read a book. Or lay there & think until I fall asleep.
122. I almost always remember my dreams. Good, bad, & ugly.
123. During this pregnancy I've had some CRAZY dreams.
124. When Justus sleeps in bed with us (99% of the time) I like to rub his head. And he sometimes grabs my hand & holds it while he sleeps. (how sweet)
125. I don't usually snore.
126. Clean sheets are a must! Love a cold pillow too.
127. I have fought depression since my teenage years.
128. For the most part I have overcome it...its a daily decision.
129. "Crises" pass quicker & easier with prayer.
130. Others see things in me that I can't see myself.
131. I want to go to college at some point in my life.
132. I have never smoked before.
133. No drugs-ever.
134. Never been drunk....always wanted to be but am to afraid to unleash that devil.
135. My thought life is my biggest struggle.
136. Once I get ahold of that I am much safer & so are others.
137. I have a GREAT handful of friends & that is enough for me.
138. On my to-do list is: get a tatoo & go sky diving, Doubt either will ever happen.
140. At one point in time I would have kissed Staci's brother though I am glad it never happened.
141. Also on my to-do list is get my driver's liscense.
142. One dream come true would be to have a home of my own. And be able to maintain it.
143. I miss MC's.
144. Part of me died in Florida...or at least got pruned.
145. Forgiveness is often something I cannot do on my own.
146. I wore a size 10 for about two months of my life. I almost felt too skinny- how wierd is that?
147. Size 12 is skinny for me.....but a 14/16 would be great!!
148. I have always dreamed of being a teacher...maybe I am.
149. But secretly I wanted to be a missionary.
150. Attitude used to be my first name. Not sure what you'd say now.
151. My natural hair color is mouse brown but I prefer a blonde version.
152. I loved my hair long but don't have the patience to grow it back out.
153. May 27th will be my 27th birthday.
154. I would love to have my legs waxed right before I have the baby.
155. I HATE shaving, I don't do it unless I have to.
156. PJ's are my favorite clothing to wear right now.
157. Why wear makeup unless you're leaving the house?
158. Laundry is the worst chore ever, with exception to dishes.
159. Although afraid of heights I loved roller coasters.
160. Haven't been on one since I found out I was pregnant with Justus.
161. First knew I was pregnant while I was sick, sick, sick in Mexico.
162. I'm getting sleepy.
163. I go to the clearence isle first.
164. My "christmas" box is starting to get full.
165. When I see people biting their fingernails I gag.
166. I collect change...for emergencies.
167. The most I've had at one time was a little over $200.
168. One of my most prized treasures is a picture that my MC girls in Florida bought me for my 25th birthday.
169. My checkbook is NEVER balanced.
170. I've never had a credit card.
171. I have another niece on the way (Leah should be born sometime in June.)
172. Once I make up my mind; I rarely go back.
173. When I was young I had a problem lying.
174. I have been accused of lying many times b/c I wouldn't point the finger & rat out others.
175. Integrity is important to me.
176. Lying is the worst thing you can do to me. Even if the truth hurts.
177. Knowing that I can't solve ALL problems is freedom to me.
178. Angelfood cake is gross! I tried it again recently- YUK.
179. Ham is worse.
180. I am still "allergic" to ham.
181. But I can deal with & even eat hamburger now.
182. Haven't ever tried sushi...
183. Probably never will.
184. Cannot ski-period. Not on water, not on snow/ice.
185. Can attempt- bowling & volleyball.
186. One day I will have a diamond ring.
187. I want a jump off the fat. Hahaha.
188. Still miss being part of Uncle Barry's children's ministry.
189. Favorite rose is the sterling rose b/c it's purple.
190. I no longer hate pink; I actually own a pink shirt; aren't you proud?
191. Water is still my favorite drink. Not sure what my favorite food is.
192. I'm running out of things to say. But know there's alot more to me than this.
193. I MIGHT want to try again for a little girl but haven't quite talked myself into being pregnant again.
194. I never wanted to live in Florida but do miss the beach.
195. Don't drink coffee. It gives me the runs. TMI I know. Oh well deal with it!
196. Want the courage to sing with the praise & worship band (youth band).
197. I loved singing in the choir at Kingwood- for some reason it didn't intimidate me.
198. Still would rather be behind the sceens instead of center of attention.
199. I love the church we are at!!!!
200. Am praying for restoration with my brother.
201. Writing these 80 things has taken me an hour.
202. God is restoring my joy.
203. I can finally see a glimpse of Tiffany.
204. I won't send you a forward unless it's important to me or if it made me laugh.
205. Another thing I treasure is the memories of my wedding. Will discuss that on my anniversary. Sorry you must wait until September.
206. The car we bought for a $1,000 has lasted almost 6 years. WOW- God is faithful.
207. Not sure how we will get another one when this one dies but I'll deal with that when it comes.
208. Love painting my toenails but hate painting my nails.
209. I always mess up my fingernails somehow.
210. Acrylics aren't for me. (can't afford the upkeep).
211. Want to learn quiltmaking at some point in time.
212. Hope that this baby has curly hair like his daddy's!
213. Tonight I have gas but no heartburn. I prefer gas.
214. I'm ready for bed, don't think I'll make it to 113 of my own but you've probably heard enough by now.
215. I really wanted to go on a missions trip to Guatemala this summer; until I found out I was pregnant & due in the summer. Bummer.
216. Winter is better than summer but I always look forward to the seasons changing.
217. More expensive doesn't always mean better. An cheaper isn't always a great deal.
218. Since geting married 5 years ago all my bridesmaid have gotten married & all but one now has children.
219. I think tulips are just as pretty as roses.
220. Roses are sometimes overrated.

OK- there is 100 things about me from me. Hope it wasn't to boring. I need rest. Goodnight.

ps Now I am hungry & have to pee again. thanks alot!

221. I am a pretty private person but here I am sharing my junk on the www.

You two made me cry!!! I'll have plenty more to say tommorrow. Love ya!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

A day off

Sam took Justus with him to work today. NICE! He does this for me about once a week or so. But now what do I do??? Sleep? Read??? Catch up on all the stuff I really don't want to do???

So far I have read blogs(xanga is down), paid bills, started laundry & taken a shower. And eat of course. I also talked to Nicole for a few. OK- time to DO something. Maybe I'll go for a walk. It's overcast but warm outside. And the wind is blowing. Perfect!


The other night on dateline or some show like that they said that a stay-at-home mom should be paid over $134,000!!!!!!!!!!!! Ha, if only we were paid a fraction of that, what could we do??? On the other hand we have a great opportunity to raise our children to be Godly; and seeing that happen is the greatest reward ever! (This is true of every parent). Money can't touch that.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

We buzzed Justus' hair a few weeks ago since the weather was warming up. Today when we were reading books I noticed a piece of dark hair on his head. I went to get it off him but it was attached. He has one dark brown hair on his head.
I guess he will eventually grow into a dark hair, blue eyed guy. I think I'm in trouble.

Food Frustration

Nicole- I read about the cookie monster & thought you might sympathize with this story. Mondays and Tuesdays I cook supper for everyone. Wed.& Thursday is moms turn. And the weekend we're on our own since schedules vary so much. It's nice b/c this way I don't have to cook everyday & we get some "family" time together.

This morning I go upstairs to use the bathroom & mom is cooking sausage. I quickly realize that it's leftover from a meal that I cooked & I had forgotten to take it back downstairs. There wasn't much left so I guess they decided to help themselves. Knowing that it's my fault for leaving it up there I didn't say a word.

She offered a piece to Justus but none to me. How RUDE! I know I should have brought it back downstairs; so mainly it's my fault. But it still peeved me!

Sunday, May 07, 2006

"Nursery" was a sucess today. There were 5 kids in there & not one of them cried.!! We had a new little girl in there. A cute little black girl named India. She has braids with litttle beads in them; Justus thought they were cool. He kept touching the braids. Luckily India didn't mind at all. What if my next one has hair I can braid. I might need a little help.

After church my parent took us out to eat. What a treat!!! We went to Fire Mountain Grill (buffet). I had a spinach salad with yummy fixins'. Then some grilled chicken, mac & cheese, followed by dessert. IT still sounds good. I ate to much. But not too, to much.

Since I was stuffed full I wanted to walk around a while so we went to Magic Mart, kind of like Kmart. We found king size jersey sheets for less than $10!!! I love those kind, they are so comfortable!! They had some other kinds for more money but since Sam likes the jersey kind too that's what we got. What are your favorite kind of sheets????

We also got a tarp to put under our pool. (Last year it took forever to clean up the bottom of the pool.) ITs almost time to put it up. The weather is warmer & getting in the pool sounds like fun right about now. Justus is obsessed with going outside, playing in the sandbox, catching bugs & smelling the flowers. It's never a struggle to get him out there but getting him back in is of course a different story. I'm not so good with running these days. At least with the pool he is contained for a little while.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Tommorrow is the last time I have nursery until after the baby. I'm kind of relieved. Two weeks ago when I was in there I had to climb up the playground equipment to get a stranded kid who wouldn't go down the slide. It made me a little nervous b/c my balance isn't all that great right now. And it's supposed to rain tommorrow so we won't be going outside. That makes for a long day. Maybe we will have small numbers. Right now the rooms are being remodeled so we're in a pretty small room with 7-9 two year olds. It can get crazy but can be fun too. We shall see.


Tonight we went to Gary's BBQ & I had a bacon cheeseburger. It was sooo good I want another one right now! Then Traci & I went to Walmart to get groceries. We usually go together on Sunday. You should see the looks we get. Two pregnant women shopping together. Funny. Tonight I got hungry while we were there & so I left with quite a bit more than I had planned. Good thing Traci was there with me. She kept me in check so I wouldn't buy too much junk food. (Which I tend to do when I'm hungry). Then we went to her house for a little bit and talked while the boys played Halo on the XBox.

Friday, May 05, 2006


I went into the livingroom & Justus had gotten into my purse. He found the raisens I keep stashed for car rides, grocery store hunger pains, etc. Anyways all I could think of was the bathtub incedent. I'm still disgusted!

Sorry about the hormonal pissy HELLO post; guess it just came out before I thought about it. I read others blogs all the time & don't comment. Sorry~

28 weeks today.

Just 12 more weeks to go and it seems like a lifetime. Last night I was awake from 3 to 5am sitting here WISHING I was asleep. Guess I'm just getting ready for a night owl.

I go to the doctor next friday to do the glucose test, weigh in (yuk) and I am going to ask them to go ahead and check me. I don't want to be as surprised as I was with Justus if this peanut decides he's ready to come. I still have some contractions each day & pressure also but nothing extraordinary.

This weekend we are helping my friend move (going through a divorce). It really stinks- please pray that this will be a smooth transition. She thinks she will be able to rest better once she is out of "that house". The youth kids are helping her move so that should be interesting!

Thursday, May 04, 2006


Well I guess no one reads this stupid thing anymore- OH well, I know I'm not so good at keeping up. Anyways in case someone might read this Justus has had two firsts this week. Lucky me I was the one with him when they happened.

#1. His first splinter. Oh what fun we had. The first half came out easily. But the second part took an additional 30 minutes to get out. I tried, then Nana, & finally uncle Jake got the blasted thing out. Poor kid. His finger was poked, prodded & squeezed. Followed by peroxide & neosporin. J couldn't quite say splinter, it can out sounding like "pinner".

#2. First poop in the bath tub. OMG. I remember once I was hanging out with Sam's youth pastors wife and we were giving the kids a pooped. I thought it was so funny but she was embarrased. It wasn't that funny tonight. There must have been 15 poop balls floating around in the tub. By the time I got it all out I was out of breath and my tummy was hurting. I was wishing Sam didn't have to work tonight. Talk about disinfectant!!!!!! Gross I know. A moms rule- expect the unexpected. Tonight I was caught off guard.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Flying by

This weekend was so long but it went so fast. Make any sense?? Every day, all day Friday through Monday afternoon was spent with family & friends. My brother & SIL came in from Florida and we had a baby shower (luau theme) for the she & I together. Since neither of us wants to be the center of attention we both liked the idea of doing it together. And it turned out great.

However I have no pictures b/c my camera has the flu. Not really of course but there is something going on. It will use two fresh batteries in a day. And the zoom just decided to stop working. VERY ANNOYING!!!! I'm hoping we can get it fixed instead of having to replace it since digitals aren't exactly cheap. But I will have one in working order by the time my new angel arrives!!!!!

Well, I gotta go. Supper is ready and this hungry momma ain't waiting! More soon; I promise!