Monday, May 22, 2006

About breasts & breastfeeding

We all agree that having our blogs is a way to express what we're feeling, wondering. To keep in touch & share. So here is my two cents worth.

TO EACH HIS OWN!!!!!!!!!!!!! I personally have not & don't plan to breastfeed. But almost every friend I know has at least tried it. For some it is "easy" & others have nightmare stories. Some breastfeed until kingdom come & some for the first six weeks. A few months; whatever they can.

Here is MY issue as a NON-breastfeeder. Mothers who do breastfeed act like I am an idiot for not doing it. Like I don't know what works for me & my child. Hum, since I spent 24/7 with him & will with this next one I'm pretty sure I can make that decision.

Feeding your child can be awkward(sp?) either way. Breastfeeding in public is a sensitive situation. Hey, what mom wouldn't feed their hungry child?? Formula moms are often looked down on b/c they didn't "TRY" hard enough...and many people make insensitive comments when they really have not clue as to the reasons why a mother is bottle feeding.

There are also several "reasons" why you should breastfeed that just don't sway my position. Just as the reasons I don't breastfeed don't really change the way a breastfeeding mom thinks. I guess we each have to make that decision. Either choice doesn't mean we love our child any less.


Anonymous said...

So what are your reasons you don't?

Nicole said...

my 2 cents

I breastfed Jessica until I had to go back to school (a whooping month).

I tried to breastfed Darcy but my boobs were huge (40DDD). It took both me and my husband to breastfed Darcy... NO LIE! I had to hold my boob up, push the part by her nose down so she could breath (they were as big as her head!) and then try and hold her as well. It just wasn't working. I tried different positions and everything. I quit the day after I came home from the hospital.

I had no intentions in breastfeeding the boys... there's 2 of them!!!!! I thought about pumping but quickly changed my mind when I thougth about the amount of time i'd be pumping then have to turn around and feed them... NOT TO MENTION I have a 18 month old that does require my attention as well.

Breastfeeding is a very sensitive subject to some. I really did want to breastfeed Darcy... it just didn't work. Every baby/ parent magazine you read assumes you are a breastfeeding mom but on every other page there's an add for formula!

In my opinion it seems as formula is almost better than breastmilk b/c if it weren't then why do they give babies in NICU (or those with problems) formula instead of having their mommies pump.

I think its great if you can breastfeed but take into consideration the feelings those that cannot for whatever reason... or for those that choose not to! We're not any less than a mom b/c we didn't do what some would call the obvious best choice. Darcy wasn't sick until well after her 1st birthday. So I'm must be doing something right!

Staci said...

Hey! I guess your read my blog!!
Glad you posted something about it though. I hope you know I don't look down on you for the way you feed your child. I am the person who is doing both, I have the best of both worlds I suppose. I didn't realize it would be such a hot button for everyone!!!

native-nc said...

Well, there are many reasons. Including Sam losing his job, an unplanned move out of state, Justus being born 5 weeks early & not having had the chance to take breastfeeding classes or any others for that matter. And all this happened within the first month of Justus being born. Those are just starters.

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh- So they are personal reasons. ..I can understand your reasons because if you are going through a stressful time then you could have difficulties BF anyway. You have to relax for your milk to let down. It depends on which side you are looking at but formula is easier if you can have help feeding the baby but it is also nice not to have to worry about bottles too. If you choose not to nurse your second then that is your choice and all that matters. The only thing I would recommend is nursing him while you are in the hospital just to get the colostrum because that stuff is "liquid gold" lots and lots of good stuff in that but if you are uncomfortable with that then so be it. Your baby, your body, your business! But I don't think anyone would try or is trying to force you to do anything you are uncomfortable with. But I do believe any breastfeeding mother would help you with anything you needed or wanted to know...including me!