Saturday, May 07, 2005

Weekend update

Last night we went to "uptown" Salisbury. MOst of you probably remember a little of it from MC days they were having bands playing, a car show, & space bounces for the kids. We met my sis, her kids & husband at "Spanky's", the ice cream shop on the corner. The firetrucks were there for the kids to look at, so Justus & I took a pic. Haven't put it on the computer yet, but I'll try to post it soon. Brandon wanted to jump on the space bounce that looked like a dinosour so we put him in. Then Justus wanted to try but as soon as he got in another "big" kid got in and ran into Justus, so he cried & wanted to get out. In all went spent abput two hours just walking and talking with Beth, Joey and the kids. It was nice to get out together! We plan to go together again for Farmers Day when the kids can dance in the street and there are other activities for them.

Tonight was the Mother/daughter luau, it was pretty fun. My friend Priscilla went with me & we wore grandma Hawaiin shirts that Sam bought at the thrift. My sis, mom, & second mom sue were there too. And baby Jaiden. He still sounds like he is breathing funny to me but Bethany says it's an improvement from the other day. The mens ministy sponsored the Luau so the cooked and cleaned. All we had to do was decorate, that wasn't so bad. One of the youth guys took pics, so it will be a while before yoy get to see our granny shirts.

Tommorrow we are picking up lunch from Bojangle's, a kick butt chicken place. Again, not so healthy but at least we won't have to cook lunch! That will be a nice break for my mom, she cooks most of the meals around here. Dad still hasnt gotten around to hooking up our stove downstairs. Oh, well maybe one day!

Thanks for tuning in to this addition of the weekend you all!


Nicole said...

Sounds like you all had fun!!

Happy Mothers Day Girl!!! love ya

Staci said...

Wow, it makes me miss home when you describe things, like Uptown Salisbury and Spanky's and of course BOJANGLES!!!! I love their Breakfast.... yum.

Thanks for the weekend update Tina Faye.. I mean Tiffany