Saturday, July 30, 2005

25 Things to Remember

THis might sound a little familiar. A friend shared it with me, so I thought I'd pass it on!

1. 13 Years of Friendship
2. Fighting like sisters
3. Staying up late
4. Eating pepperoni; especially late night!
5. Lots of homemade ice cream
6. Phone calls
7. Sleepovers (mine, yours, & Becca's house)
8. Star Gazing
9. Old Navy
10. Moving to AL for Master's
11. Lemon juice & peroxide
12. Celebrating your birthday two days in a row :P
13. Cards in the mail
14. Beach Vacations: abigail, shelly bean, & I guess LILY
15. That time in Burlington Coat Factory
16. Lots of email
17. Snow Blast retreats
18. Summer Jam trouble
19. Youth Conventions
20. Pool Parties
21. Sharing secrets
22. Other adventures
23. Teaching me to ski (or at least trying)
24. Being there when others could care less.
25. Calling me friend

26. And one to grow on: The anticipation of more to come!


Staci said...

WOW, those are good- I can't wait to do one when we are 50~

native-nc said...

I'm sure there will be plenty to talk about!

native-nc said...

I'm sure there will be plenty to talk about!