Monday, August 01, 2005

Our weekend

Well it was a pretty long weekend, with Sam being busy as usual and me being with Justus as usual. Mom & I went to Walmart on Friday and then came home to start supper. After supper Sam wanted to go bowling with the youth kids so Justus & I sat at home.

Then Saturday was Brandon's birthday so I used most of the day to clean up just in case it got to crowded uptstairs and people wanted to come down to our place. IT was good that I did that b/c that's exactly what happened.

The birthday party was spiderman themed & that kid got so many toys! I know the same thing will happen with Justus so I need to start weeding out some of the toys he already has. There's only so much room, ya know? People were at the house from 5 to 10. I thought it was a little long but that's just the way it goes.

Sam had praise & worship pratice sat am, followed by "volleyball" day for the youth he got home at 4pm just enought time for me to get dressed & pick up the few remaining items laying around. Sam left the party early to go play golf with some of the guys. I helped mom clean up from the party. And found something to watch on TV.

Sunday was busy as usual & we were at the church until almost 3pm. It was a long day for Justus but he did good. This week was the new members dinner so all the staff & elders/wives served the new member while each ministry gave a 3min. explanation about what is going on and how to get involved.

Sam had to leave that early to get to Sloan park for a benefit bor a crippled girl. I still don't know the entire story but they asked the youth band to play. When they were done with that they had youth service so Sam got home around 9pm.

The whole weekend Sam felt sick but just kept on going. So last night we went to bed at 11-ish. And got up this morning around 9. Sam cleaned up in the livingroom and I read a book most of the day. I'm trying to get it done before its' due back a the library. Sam left to go to work at 4:30 and now justus is playing on the floor beside me. So that's about it. Not to exciting.


Jamie said...

Sounds like you barely got any time with Sam!

native-nc said...

Eeeh, the usual :(