Wednesday, November 30, 2005


Well, I'm finally able to put something up. Hello to all, how are ya??? I've written this message several times now but there was something funky going on with the connection.

We had a great Thanksgiving with the family & then played outside after we were stuffed. We also took the kids to the Christmas parade. They loved it!!! I was freezing. Justus did not like the sirens, they made him cry. At least I know he is afraid of something. An odd thought I know, but he sometimes seems fearless.

I am finally done shopping for the family. Now I only need the last minute stuff for stockings. AHHHHHH, what a relief!

I'm glad that is done because between now & Christmas it's mass chaos! As I'm sure you all know. Parties, dinners & food.


Staci said...

Yeah- I've not bought one single Christmas gift. Good for you though. I'm all about last minute I guess- or last money, humm not sure if there is a difference or not. Oh well. My excitment is all wrapped up in coming home for the holidays- its the best time of the year by far... I can't go sledding this year- but will you guys have the hill of ice again?

native-nc said...

Probably. Just depends on how quickly Jacob can sucker dad into helping him set it up. And the weather of course!!1