Wednesday, January 11, 2006

The Downy Ball

Everyone jokes about your brains going to mush when you are pregnant. I personally think it's true. What they don't tell you is that you rarely recover your full brain capacity. ON the up side your heart grows much, much bigger. And your patience, even if you don't want it to.

Today I put the clothes detergent in the downy ball instead of the fabric softner. At least I caught myself before it was too late. But that load of laundry got an extra dose of detergent. I couldn't quite figure out how much detergent went into the ball before I dumped it out.

I used to use dryer sheets but someone said it can cause your dryer to go out faster. NOT sure if its true but once I used liquid softener I was hooked.


Staci said...

I like the downy ball too- I use Gain in it (the softner though) I still have dryer sheets though- for those brainless times when I forget to put the softner into the wash- I have a back up... or if I run out of the good stuff. I heard it keeps your lint down- so preventing fires, etc- so that is a good thing!

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