Thursday, February 16, 2006

Item(s) of the week...

This week the item of choice has been peanut butter. I have ate pb every day twice a day for 6 days in a row now. I'm not really a fan of pb unless it's combined with chocolate. But I've had a pb & j, pb crackers, pb on pancakes, pb toast. I'm sure you get the idea.

The other thing I've really wanted to eat this week is cucumbers. How wierd is that??? Sam was supposed to bring some home last night but forgot. That meany!!!

I didn't reallt crave much with Justus but this time it's seems like a different craving every couple of weeks. One week was KRAFT mix up, cheap maccaroni. Then all I wanted was salad. This week is pb. And cucumbers. What will it be next??


Staci said...

I love PB on pancakes, just reading that made me want some!

Maccaroni sounds good too. I shouldn't read your post while hungry.
