Monday, April 03, 2006


So Nicoles babies are hear & doing well. I'm so glad that she had a good experience with the c-section. I know that she had been worried but it all came out fine. She amazes me!!! Carrying around two babies for 38 weeks-----WOW. She did an amazing job!

As for us, not much new is happening. Justus felt pretty good all week long after the antibiotics kicked in. But we had another rough night. His temperature got back up to 104. Very annoying b/c nothing else was wrong. No coughing, sneezing or any other symptoms. He was awake from 2-7am; I'm exhausted but he was fine!!!!

This weekend we are FINALLY going to the Biltmore House!!! It's time for the spring flowers to be in bloom---yippee! I will be taking every allergy medicine known to mankind with me. Justus will be staying here with family-should be interesting. This will only be the third & fourth night away from us in his entire young life. However, we need it before the new baby arrives. So if you think of us this weekend say a quick prayer for us, Justus & the weather. There is a 40% chance of rain this weekend.

Spring is such a busy season around here & we have been staying pretty busy with church activities. It's nice that Justus is at an age where he can watch a 30 min. video or entertain himself (somewhat) for a while!!! So I'm going to try and enjoy the next few months of being "involved" before my baby gets here. I know change is coming just not sure how drastic it will be.

One more thing before I next appointment is on monday for those of you who have asked. Boo- who; I will find out how much weight I have gained. YUCK. I have gotten considerably bigger in the past three weeks. When I lay down I can't breathe for the first minute & it is no longer an option to sleep on my tummy. I'm only 23 weeks...someone refresh my memory; I remember being uncomfortable this soon! Or this big. YIKES!!!!!!!!!


dana said...

with the second one everything happens sooner, I noticed that with Emma too. Have fun on your mini vacation with Sam.