Tuesday, September 11, 2007


I still remember finding out that the planes had crashed into the WTC. I wasn't even scared; just shocked. Just one hour after it happened planes were flying over us ever fifteen to twenty minutes. We were on retreat with our MC in Ohio. It was our first week as Master's Commission Directors of our own group. We spent several hours glued to the TV watching & praying for the fire fighters & police officers. And those caught in the buildings. It took until late in the afternoon for the phone lines to clear up enough to get a phone call out.

I am still amazed at the hatred it took to carry out their plans and kill all the innocent victims... Today I looked at a slideshow of the construction going on for the Freedom Tower. We visited four years ago with our MCs from Florida. Then it was a HUGE whole in the ground. It doesn't look much different now but there is LOTS of construction.

Today I am thankful for my country, for my GOD, for our freedom; and for those who continue to fight for it. And for those who have lost their lives for my freedom. I am thankful that I am here safely at home with my children. I am thankful for Gods mercy. And for one more day to live for him.