Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Nothing like a baby mouse walking across the floor to wake you up at midnight. I wish I could have gotten a pic but the little booger was to fast. Why can something so disgusting be so cute??? The little creature was so itty bitty. I wonder how many more there are? How many does a momma mouse have at one time???? How do you get rid of them without killing them? I dont want to live with mice in the house but at the same time I don't want to kill them either. Sometimes I'm so weird!

ps My feet are NOT touching the floor!!! GROSS! Cute or not, they're GROSS!!!!


Jamie said...

Yuck!!! Mice and Roaches really stop me in my tracks!

Staci said...

He was cute, you should have seen the ones that Chris' dad found when we were in Mississippi... they were no bigger than a peanut! They were so te-tiny and cute. We just put them in a coffee can and put them in the trash, they are probably living it up at the city dump now! LOL. We being (not me!)