Thursday, June 19, 2008


We met Nathan, Traci & Andrew at the library today. We have three of them in our county and so we went to the one by the YMCA/splashpad. We have never been to this one. IT is very nice with lots of room for the kids. They have a play area set up for the kids. With a puppetshow stand which they loved! Books especially made for small kids which I loved bc Zeke still rips them and the all popular puzzles. I didn't have my camera with me because I knew that keeping up with the two boys would be enough for me to handle! I was right they were busy as bees! Good thing I put Zeke in the stroller or it would have been mass chaos. We let them play a few minutes before loading up again to go across the parking lot to the Y. The weather was cooler than last week so when the breeze would blow everyone wet would get goose bumps. Justus had a rough day but other than that we all enjoyed ourselves. I never did get a pic of Andrew.


~Crystal~ said...

What a fun place!
P.S. I like that you posting much more. :)

Staci said...

I agree I like that you are posting more as well :-)

I wish we could have made it, maybe next time... if there is a next time!

Sorry you had a "day" with Jusuts. I'm praying for you to have wisdom, now you know why I wanted you to get married first and have babies first, so I could learn from watching you! :-)

Nicole said...

looks like you had fun! i'll come next time!