Tuesday, July 15, 2008


The people at LUVS are morons...OK, sorry for those of you who think LUVS are the bomb. I went on their website & voiced my complaints about their diapers. They kindly responded to my email...seriously they were nice. And then they sent me a coupon for more LUVS. Um, not gonna buy LUVS. Don't like anything about LUVS except the 'Blues Clue's design & only then because Zeke recognizes it & its fun to see his excitement.

I will compliment them on an excellent coupon ($10 off a jumbo or larger pack). However a coupon for other P&G products like Pampers would have been nice since I clearly DON"T LIKE LUVS! The plans are to use the coupon when CVS has a good deal on them & pass them along to a LUV's lover.


Nicole said...

i will gladly accept the coupon :)

Jamie said...

That is a great coupon!! You could always donate them to the church nursery! That's what I do with the diapers I don't like.