Monday, July 14, 2008

We're back!!!!

We had a blast at the beach with all fourteen family members. The weather cooperated wonderfully so we went to the beach every single day! I went through two bottles of the 50spf spray & no one got overly sunburned. The boys are a perfect golden tan. I should have used a lower SPF because I barely have a tan. A little bit of tan would have been OK.

We found a park close to us & used it as our personal playground after supper so the kids could run off a little bit of energy. We visited an aquarium & the ice cream parlor. What else?? Basically we spent as much time at the beach that the kids & weather would allow! Much smoother than I anticipated---THANK GOD!

Posting pics soon!!!!


~Crystal~ said...

Oh goody pictures!

Nicole said...

i'm glad you guys had fun! i missed you!

Jamie said...

It sounds like a fun family vaca!