Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Cable Guy

Yesterday the cable guy came. I had just cleaned the house that morning so nothing was out of place & it was actually looking pretty nice. But I still felt the need to keep straightning up. Do you do that to? I think it's kind of a nervous twitch or something. I mean the house looked pretty dang good but I swept the floor and mopped the floor during the hour he was here running up and down the stairs trying to figure out the problem. He told me to come to his house next since his teenagers don't do much cleaning.

Eventually we got a new DVR because ours was on the fritz doing silly stuff, not recording when it's programmed. That kind of frustrating things.


Gretchen said...

I do over clean.

We need to get a new DVR too. Ours has been driving us nutz. Like we'll program the race~ it'll tape fine for an hour or so, then freeze. When we finally get it unfrozen, we've missed an hour or more of the race. UGGG Other things too, but don't want to take up more space :) Didn't mean to write so much hehe Sorry

Jamie said...

I always clean when someone is in my house... and I tend to notice more things that I need to do too.