Friday, September 26, 2008

Pregnancy dream

I never had those crazy pregnancy dreams everyone talks about until now. Last week I dreamed that I was having a sonagram & all of a sudden my belly started taking form of my baby. It was like an out of body experience. My stomach all of a sudden came up & there was my baby staring at me face to face just inches away from my face. I don't know if it was a boy or girl- I wanna say a girl cause it had really long eyelashes. Anyways the baby smiled the most gorgeous smile & then disappeared & my stomach went back to it's 'normal' preggo shape. How wierd!


Staci said...

I have all kinds of crazy dreams, pregnant or not! I'm glad you shared your dream! It was good seeing you on Friday. I am SO excited about what I bought! I can't wait to use our BIKE trailer next weekend at Dan Nicholas Park at the Aumtum Fest or whatever its called! We are going YARD saling' in the morning that day- Carla said there will be TONS of sales all down Bringle & Stokes Ferry Road.