Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Justus and I are recovering from bronchitis. And Zeke is just now getting the cold. We're leaving for Bama tommorrow night. and I have TONS left to do. Poor Zeke is so grumpy! I hope that we can head off this cold so our trip will be enjoyable!

Sam and I went shopping on Friday. We shopped for several hours & spent about a hundred bucks and a few gifts cards we had stuck back. There is still one person on the list to look for. Anything after that is icing on the cake!

I always plan to be more faithful to blogging but I haven't been on blogger since my last post. I'm trying to catch up but really need to walk away and do some packing!!!! I love you girls! And enjoy spending time in your lives (reading your blog)! Merry Christmas!!!!


Jamie said...

It's okay! I understand that life goes on outside of blog land! But, I do have a request... let's hear some about your baby!

Nicole said...

i can't wait to see you guys!