Saturday, January 31, 2009

Better you than me~

Last night I had a HORRIBLE time sleeping. I finally fell asleep around 2am and slept for a few hours. But for some reason at 5am Ezekiel woke up and would not go back to sleep. He was up for almost three hours. Eventually sometime around 7:30 he fell back asleep. By then I was wide awake & although tired not sleepy. It took me until 9ish to fall back alseep. Justus woke up at 9:30. The word exhausted doesn't quite cover it...but God had a plan!

Around noon my brother & SIL showed up at the house and we all went to lunch together at Mr. Ghatti's. Yummy. When we got back they decided to take the boys for a few hours....guess what I did? Nothing but plop my big ole' bum on the couch and listen to some praise & worship music. Then I took a shower. Very nice to be able to shower without rushing! And now I'm blogging. Nice, nice, nice!

Now onto the better you than me part. When we got to the pizza place there was this little girl screaming to the top of her lungs!!! Poor grandma had her & was starting to get frazzled. But she stuck it out and eventually the little girl settled down. I felt sorry for her but relieved that it's not always my kid as star of the show.

A little while ago I talked to my brother & checked on the boys. He said Aubrey went to look in on Zeke & Leah and they were painting the walls with chewed up Goldfish crackers! MESS MAKERS!!! Zeke is a handful on his own but everytime he and leah get together they try something new. Again, better you than me!!!! Thankfully the walls were cinder block & not sheet rock which makes cleanup easier. OH, those two!!! You know they know better but that doesn't stop the exploring!

Well, they are back so I'm going to rescue Aubrey from the terrible two's! Later Gator!!


Staci said...

yeah for golfish painting!!! I havent had to worry with that yet, but now I will make sure Im aware it can happen!!! I can see them doing it too. I'm glad you posted a nice long post. You know I'm proud!

Nicole said...

I'm glad they were kind enough to realize you needed a break and take the kids. I'd do it if I was closer!

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