Thursday, January 29, 2009

This week I had two preggo appointments. The first one was for my sonagram. I had the same moron who did the last one. She IS not very friendly. Sam had to sit outside in the waiting room AGAIN for the first 25 minutes of our 30 minute appointment. I cried the whole time. I got so blazing mad that I started to cry & then hormones set in and that was it, I couldn't stop. I plan on voicing my complaint. Although I doubt it will do much good.

My second appointment went much better. The doctor said I lost two pounds. Now to tell the truth, I think the nurse did something wrong but I'll take it. Doc says baby is measuring correctly & gaining so all is fine. Next time I have to do the strep B test thing----yippee! I am selfishly hoping that she will check & tell me that I am dialated some already.

Last night my stomach got REALLY tight....I was thinking OMG, I'm not exactly ready yet! So, this week while Sam is working I will keep myself occupied getting the last minute things together. Got to pack the hospital bags. And get things together for Justus' birthday. Other than that simply keeping up with the boys drains me of energy by the end of the day!

While Sam was home I also popped into the WIC office to set up an appointment. They're booked until the end of MARCH! The lady was really nice about it though & let me know all the info that I need to gather between now & then. They're always nicer in person than on the phone!

Other baby stuff- stretch marks are now turning purple & growing. Oh, the joy! And I have a milk gland/duct in my armpit which I didn't know was possible. But the stupid thing was swollen and sore which started to worry me that there was something else going on in my body. Thankfully the doc says it's nothing to worry about so that is a relief! OH yeah, my feet are swelling. Another thing that hasn't happened before not even in the summer when I was preggo with Zeke. All that being said---I am officially over being pregnant & praying that what I have in mind is close to what God has in mind.....having a baby sooner rather than later!!!

I will leave you with a funny (embarrassing) to me story. Every time you go in for the appointment you have to pee in a cup. So, I'm there doing my thing.....and the baby I thing I know there is pee spraying everywhere!!!!! I moved just enough to make a mess. OMG. I must have been in the bathroom for ten minutes. Cleaning up as best I could the mess off the floor, trashcan, get the picture. So, I know that is a little gross but still funny. Hope you enjoyed that.


Staci said...

That is great. Love the pee story. Those are the best times! Good thing you blogged it because a year from now you probably won't remember. Then again that is one of those things that every time you have to pee in a cup you will probably remember and then start laughing and then pee all over the place all over again. lOl. Good luck with that! I hope the baby does come early for your sake! I have a gift for Justus, when are you doing his party?

Nicole said...

your armpit produces milk??? poor baby... he's going to be scarred for life after nursing from your armpit!

i always end up peeing all over my hand!! lol

Jamie said...

Okay, so that was pretty funny. I hate having to pee in that dern cup!

native-nc said...

Um, nursing isn't for me. SO, there will be no scarred baby! Sorry to disappoint!

Gretchen said...

With every baby, my armpit got swollen and hurt like crazy. I didn't breastfeed either, so it was swollen until my milk dried up. Hopefully yours will go away soon.