Friday, September 04, 2009

Hello blog readers! I'm here for a quick update while our internet is actually working! It's been on an off now for about two weeks. Basically since Justus went back to school our connection has been hit and miss. We think it's the router but maybe the modem until we can figure it out we will be toughing it out.

We're planning a trip to the mountains so we're attempting to save every dime and nickel so we can enjoy our trip. We actually found a place to stay that will house our entire family (all sixteen of us). And it's only $100/nite so we will be able to stay for several nights instead of only a day trip. Each family pays for one night & then we all enjoy a break away from home!

Justus is LOVING school! Which makes it only slightly easier when I send him off to school each day. Sam has been able to pick him up and take him to school. And Justus of course loves every second with his daddy.

Zeke misses Justus something the heck do you spell that word?? Anyways he misses him bunches and asks when J will be home almost every half hour. Malachi instead gets all of Zeke's attention which has been both good and stressful since Z doesn't understand that Mal cant' walk or eat "big" people food yet. But zeke is very entertaining and knows exactly how to make Malachi laugh. It's super sweet!

Also Malachi has two new teeth coming in on top and that equals one grouchy baby! He is rolling over both ways now & can scoot a little bit across the floor. However he prefers that someone else do everything for him & my little helpers pretty much take care of him. He's getting a little bit of independence though & can hold the bottle; when he wants to of course...if not he just cries until someone holds it for him. He's a very spoiled,loved, and happy baby.

AS FOR ME I am praying about getting some kind of job. Maybe with Sam maybe something more part time....not really sure. I've got some details to work out first. Like getting my license. It's pretty crazy that I don't drive yet. But I am making some progress. Finally renewed my permit so I can start practicing driving because I honestly don't remember/know how to sad. Aggh. Ugggh. Grrrrrr.

Well that's the update for now. Oh yeah. Aubrey & I went to see "All about Steve". It of course has some cursing and some inappropriate stuff....but I laughed out loud through out most of the movie!!!! And shed maybe a tear or two because I'm so tender hearted....well sappy.


dana said...

good update... i have one in a draft form, just trying to get my pics to work with me.

Staci said...

I'm glad you updated! I'm so proud of you for getting your permit. I will be even happier when you can DRIVE to SEE ME!!!

Nicole said...

I saw that you had called today but I never got a chance to call you back. I love you and i'm glad that you got your permit! way to go!!!! whooo hooo! now you have to practice driving :)

~Crystal~ said...

Good update girly!