Friday, May 13, 2005


Funny! Priscilla & I went to see a movie tonight. We bought chic-fil-a sandwiches & brought them in with us to the theater. The movie was so funny. It had a lot of humor, we laughed a lot. The comedian Wanda Sykes was in the movie & she has a pretty foul mouth. That was the only down side. No actual sex scene, but a few suggestions that something had happened. All in all I liked it.

Stack, I saw Jeremy. He's the youth pastor at SCF now; pretty sure I told you already. Anyways he looks the same. Still pretty skinny, long curly hair. It wasn't as weird as I thought it might be. Call me if this doesn't make sense. I can't remember what all I've told you.

Keep praying for no rain on Saturday !!!!! Thanks!


Nicole said...

Jeremy who?

Staci said...

I know who....

Yeah you told me.

I can still call though right?

native-nc said...

Nic-old youth group buddy

Stack--PLEASE CALL!!!!!!!!!!