Thursday, May 12, 2005


Sam took Justus to the church tonight so I was able to watch TV uninterupted for two hours. Maybe this sounds selfish & maybe a waste of time but it was so nice. Me & mom watched survivor together bad for Karyn! I think Tom should go. He's getting a little to pushy for my taste. My guess is that he was as good as gone, until he won immunity. Can't wait for sunday. I never can guess who will win. Guess that's why I like it so much. I am a reality freak as well as the rest of you. Like-big brother, the barkers, RR & RW, and many other shows that I probably should not be watching. I could say I'm working on it but that wouldn't be the complete truth. I also watched CSI tonight. It used to be one of my favorites but is slowly losing its touch. Anyone agree? Right now my favorite that I absolutely cannot miss is fox's 24! I always lose track of time and get lost in what is going to happen next. Mom got me hooked on this one. The season finalle is coming up soon. Can't wait to see what happens! Maybe I'm just a TV freak, thinking about it right now I know that it takes up way to much of my time, mainly in the evenings after Sam gets home from work. `````````122223333311111122``````````` Oops, I just noticed some food on the keyboard I was trying to get it off. Guess that's it for tonight. I have to go read about the lives of others.


Nicole said...

I love reality shows at well... the love rw/rr and the barkers... sureal life all that junk that i shouldn't watch... i wanna famous face... you name it i like it!

~Crystal~ said...

Girl...I am such a reality junkie that D says I need reality rehad. Seriously, every time they show previews for a new reality show, D is like, "Oh No....You'll be watching that one." And you bet I do! I actually watch them ALL! If 2 are on at the same time, I record one & watch the other later. I think the only shows I don't watch that aren't reality are Lost & Desperate Housewives (I know....But it's so good).

Chris said...

John & Ian too the end!!! I hope Ian wins!!! And I hope Tana wins the Apprentice. I love Thursday night TV!!! Thats the only real night we're always home and we always watch Survivor & Apprentice!