Monday, June 06, 2005

More dreams

This morning when Justus got up sam took him into the livingroom to play. I drifted back to sleep & had an elaborate dream about a huge house and about working at a new ministry. I don't think it was a vision or anything like that b/c the whole time it felt like I was Alice in Wonderland. Everything was so wierd! Still I thought I could share some of my craziness with you all.

First was the ministry part in a daycare/church building similar to Kingwood. There were four young pastors that were telling us all about the job & how they do things. It also reminded me some of the dream center. There were lots & lots of rooms full of children and stuff for teens. The atmosphere was very exciting. After the tour & all that good stuff it was time to go see the house.

In my dream it was a foreclosed house that was selling $600,000 a deeply discounted price. It was structurally in good shape but needed a lot of cosmetic work. I remember thinking that it was like a maze that you couldn't quite figure out. And that fixed up right it could house lots of students, or needy people.

One room had four beds in it& room for about six more, the beds were four poster but the right size four boys. On the floor there was one matress like someone had slept in it right before we got there. Sounding strange? Remember- Alice in wonderland. Everything was out of place for example one door led directly into a pool which looked more like a lake b/c it hadn't been taken care of. Step out the door & land in the water. Other strange things: the food cabinet only had cleaning supplies.

There was a nursery big enough for 10 babies, with a mural on the wall of disney characters. The master bathroom looked like a room that you have when you go on a cruise, with the little port hole window, except the room was huge. I could go on but I won't. And before you ask..I didn't eat anything spicy before bed & no, I'm not pregnant. Although that wouldn't be too bad either.

Who knows why my mind went bazerk this morning but I thought I would fill you in.

Also today on our way to get groceries we got a flat tire, Sam of course changed it & thankfully we had a spare. Which needs air in it. That was another $75 we didn't expect, luckily we had it to spare this month.


Nicole said...


Staci said...

Where are you?? Its wednesday... surely something has happend in 2 days...:-) Miss you. See you soon!!!