Thursday, June 23, 2005

Ranch Dressing

Yesterday at supper time I walked out of the room to get my plate, Justus evidently wasn't contained very well. When I came back in he was covered head to toe in Ranch dressing. OOPs, I guess a minute alone is to much for my son. I'm gonna have to trim it down to thirty seconds. He really likes dressings of any kind with carrots, celery, and cucumbers. He was licking his fingers and jumping on the chair. It was so funny! He's done this once before but last time it was with lotion, head to toe. He thought it was tasty too. I got him on video that time. Right now my digital camera is out of commission :( Sorry you didn't get the same laugh I did.


Jamie said...

This has happened with ketchup and baby powder before at my house!

Nicole said...

oh joy... i can't wait for darcy to get into things :)