Monday, June 13, 2005


Yesterday we didn't get home from church until 2:30. An hour of that time was spent in the car taking Brandon & Brandon home. Justus fell asleep of course so when we actually got home he was ready to eat and play. I was exhausted, it was my turn to "teach" in the new class that they just moved Justus to. There were 7 kids in a tiny room. Not much fun!! I just wanted to come home and take a nap.

Eventually Justus got tired & we both layed down for 45 min. It was nice but as I was waking up I heard something fall from the ceiling. I thought it was a mouse or something so I sat really still to see if I could hear it scuttle off. I waited but finally was to syked out to sit still any longer so I jumped up & saw something quickly slither off my bed. .....I HATE it when Sam's not here!

I kept thinking about it last night trying to decide what it was and exactly how I was going to sleep with it in the same room as me. The answer was that I didn't. Not soundly anyways, I kept slapping imaginary things on the bed all night long. Around 6am my mind gave up and I slept until Justus woke up at 9. We already took one nap & I'm ready for the next one any time now.

This will probably be an interesting week & I am looking forward to spending lots of time with Justus. Hopefully I will get motivated and do some deep cleaning!!! Also hoping that I don't see the "slither" again!!!!


~Crystal~ said...

Was it a lizard? Or maybe a snake?

Vickie said...

I can't believe you didn't get up to investigate. There ain't no way I would have. I would have had every stinkin light on and flashlights, brooms whatever it took till I found it and killed it.

Jamie said...

Girl!! YUCK!!!

native-nc said...

Thinking it was a lizard, haven't seen it since-thankfully!!!!