Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Prayers for a friend

Sunday my friend Rebekah went into labor. She was having some contractions but didn't want to go to the hospital until they were regular. Yesterday she went to the hospital b/c the contractions were gettting pretty close together. She was only 1cm & it took her a while to get to 3. Last night at midnight she was only at 5. She wanted to go natural but by this time she was getting pretty tired & got an epidural. That stopped everything. At 7am this morning nothing had changed. They called 45 min. ago(11:15) & said they are going to do a cesarean. I know she is probably disappointed but also just ready to see her baby.

Anyways if you would please pray for Rebekah & Paul. They are planning to name the baby Ethan so please pray for their health & safety.