Wednesday, July 20, 2005


Today Justus got stung/bit by the same bug 4 times before he reacted or I had any clue what had happened. I was skimming the bugs off the pool & he started to wiggle. Followed quickly by a frown & loud screams. I ripped off his swim trunks & killed the hateful beast that hurt my baby. Well, it was obviously too late. Justus had four sting marks on his booty. Ok that part was a little funny, after I got him calmed down. I'm glad he didn't get stung anywhere else! I gave him some allergy meds. just in case he were to have a bad reaction. He was OK though so he still wanted to play in the pool for a while. The sting swoll up a little at first but now just look like a red dot on the booty. Poor kid! I contemplated taking a pic, but figured you have all seen enough butts to get a good mental pic. Although it would be a good way to moon you all.

For all having a bad day, I hope this brought a little comic relief. I love ya!


Nicole said...

poor justus... mean ole bee's!

Jamie said...

That is so funny!!

Vickie said...

Poor baby. Kissin' it always makes it better. Best sugar in town is kissin a babies butt.

~Crystal~ said...

Poor little guy!

Nicole said...

Look... i hate that Justus was stung... but that was almost a week ago... anything else happening there??? lol