Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Hot water

Or lack there of. Sunday our hot water heater kicked the bucket. And you guessed it, we've been taking COLD showers ever since. I have been pleasantly hasn't been that bad. It's inconvenient but not that bad. Poor Justus hasn't had a shower in 5 days now. I usually give him a bath every other day. IF he's not gotten too dirty. And since it's been raining alot lately he hasn't been outside getting dirty & sweaty. Sunday was his day for a shower. It didn't work out.

So today I waited all day hoping that we would be able to get a new hot water heater. And we did but it was the wrong kind :( Some have hookups on the side & some on top. Our is on top but the guy who brought it to the house got the wrong one. So I just took another cold shower. It reminds me of mission trips to Mexico. Good times! Get in, get wet, lather up, & get out! Can't wait to go on another missions trip. I didn't get to go this year but hope to go next year!

Anyways I'm still holding out for hot water; guess we'll have to wait one more day.


Vickie said...

Poor little stinky baby!! Heat some water and give that baby a bath in the kitchen sink. When I had my daycare I use to always bath them in the sink. You don't realize how bad you need and use something until it's not there anymore. We are so spoiled.

Nicole said...

Heck... heat some water and put it in the tub silly girl!

I remember in Scotland... Stackie and I were taking showers (not together)... Hughes & Brandon thought it would be funny if they snuck in and turned on the hot water at the sink... we had no idea what had happened... it was sooooo cold!

Staci said...

Let him stink. He's a boy. Plus its summer. Thank the Lord its not middle of January!!! Freezing.... I know J likes showers- maybe break out the water guns filled with soap?

~Crystal~ said...

I hate to not have hot water! We are spoiled! But Justus does need a bath! :) You are bathing him down with something aren't you? Yikes!

native-nc said...

Of course he's getting a sponge bath, just not the regular bathtub bath. You silly girls!