Sunday, August 28, 2005

Progressive Dinner

Anyone ever been to a progressive dinner?? Where you have each course of a meal at a different house?? Last night our women's ministry had one and it was so much fun!! We had a bout 30 some women go & we stopped at 3 different houses. We skipped the appetizer & something else. But we ate salad, main course, & desserts. I was absolutely stuffed!

The salad was good, with any topping you could imagine. Then for the main course we had lasagna with spinach, pepperoni & italian sausage...very good!.. Then the lady who did desserts went all out! She mde this awesome fruit salsa ; we ate that with graham crackers. Orange cake...yum yum. FUDGE :) Some kind of toffee with choc. and nuts. OMG- I was stuffed!

On the rides between houses we learn where each other was born, favorite food & other silly things like that. I also learned names to go with the faces. Bethany went with me, & had a good time. I'm trying to talk her into going with me to the ladies conference in November. It would be during her birthday so it would be a nice break for her! Please pray that she will meet more ladies & be drawn into church. We all need the fellowship & friendship! Guess that's about it.


Staci said...

Sounds like fun. I have never been to one- I know Mike and Kim had one in Dallas for Valentines Day for the Students back in 2001 or 2002. I would like to do that with our ladies here- but I'm not sure how to get it started.

Jamie said...

My family did a prgoressive dinner at Christmas last year! It was so much fun!

prftpeace said...

I've only been to one and it was so much fun....I actually drove the bus taking everyone to each location. That was fun.....a big bus in a small neighborhood!!!