Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Tax Free Weekend

OK, every year about this time NC does a "tax free" weekend. Anything you buy in preperation for school is tax free! Such as computers & all the bells/whistles to go with it. Clothes, for anyone. Diapers & wipes are even included on this list. I knew this weekend was coming up but wasnt sure of the exact date until it was to late :(

Literally I think that we have $10 total to our name. So while all the sales are going on; I sat at home instead of torturing myself. I am thankful that before the money ran out we filled the car with gas & got enough groceries to tide us over til next payday.

Most times when I have no money I find exactly what I want/need. Then when I have money, nothing interests me. Am I the only one? Does this happen to you??


prftpeace said...

Are you the only one??!!! I thought it was a well known fact of life!!

~Crystal~ said...

That always happens & it stinks!

Jamie said...

It happens to us all Tiff!! Hey, I gave Kay O'Neal your blog address yesterday. She was so excited. She has a xanga!

native-nc said...

Thanks Jamie!