Tuesday, September 13, 2005

A shocker

Today I recieved an email from MCIN (MC'S.) I must say that I was shocked. First of all I have no idea how they got my email address. And secondly since leaving FLorida we have been outcast to the MC community. (With the exception of friends from mc who weren't still envolved directly with MC, they/you have been great!) I mean they wouldn't even return our phone calls when the crap hit the fan. Well have we been pardoned or what?? I don't know.

Anyways the email was about Katrina relief to give money or volunteer. And I can do neither. If Justus could stay with someone I'd love to. But I can't imagine leaving him here. And money as usual is tight. I can pray & that's what I've been doing. Thanks for listening to my grumbling. Next time I'll try to be more positive!


Nicole said...

I thought you were going to say something like they offered you a group to direct... oh well!

native-nc said...

Not interested at this time anyways. It's all good!