Monday, October 31, 2005

10 "Interesting" facts about me...

I've only had surgery once in my life. When my sister & I were fighting and she broke a light bulb in my left middle finger. I got to flip everyone off for free. To this day there is still a piece of glass in my finger & yes its a pain.

I have twin scars, one on each knee. As a kid I was more of a I'm a wimp!

I write left handed but do almost everything else right handed, including bowling.

Even though I really, really want two boys a girl wouldn't be that bad.

Pink is no longer my most disliked color I actually like it now.

I still don't have a drivers liscense. Yes, it's pretty pitiful. But I'm working on it.

Sky diving & getting a tatoo is on my list of things to do.

I rolled in the snow unclothed Finland. Brooke & I also sat in their sauna naked too.

Swimming is the "sport" I enjoy most.

And volleyball is the only sport I can attempt.

I asked Jesus into my heart at age 3. My great grandmother had a picture of Jesus knocking on a door with no doorknob. I asked my mom about & she said that was the door to your heart. She explained how only we can ask Him into our lives & the salvation story. I asked Jesus into my hear that day. When I got married my mom had the pic reframed & gave it to me. Its one of my most treasured possesions.

That was hard!!!! But there you have it.


Anonymous said...

That was quite interesting. So many things I didn't know!

Staci said...

Wow- I'm shocked about the snow thing. Who possesed you to do that? I need the details. So yeah- I remember the glass in the finger thing... I was around then. So do you think you'll be driving by Christmas? I'll pass on the sky diving, but the tattoo is a must.
Love you- see you in like 50 days!

Jamie said...

That's some pretty cool stuff, Tif! Definitely worth the wait!

Nicole said...
