Sunday, October 02, 2005

Dang it!

NOt sure about the title...I couldn't think of anything better! This weekend wasn't too bad. Justus stayed up ALL day long with no nap so he went to bed early at 10:30. I was able to watch a whole movie in peace & finish the book I was reading.

Saturday the kitchen was turned into the beauty shop & my sister cut and colored hair. Did manicures, pedicures & waxing. Oh the fun. She cut my hair a little different but I can't show you since my internet is down.

I really didn't want to go to church today but I did. Me, Bethany & the kids ate out Mexican afterwards & it was so good. And the kids were so crazy. It was fun.

Tonight we did a birthday dinner for my dad, he's 51! We had stuffed pasta, tomato/basil salad & homemade cheescake for dessert.
The cheesecake was made with splenda; it was pretty good.

I watched Sahara & Finding Neverland this weekend. They were decent.

This week is MOPS & I've decided to be part of the steering commitee and help with the finances. It should be fun. I guess that's it. Except I'm really glad that my husband is back!!! I wouldn't make a good single mom!


Jamie said...

I have been CRAVING cheesecake lately! Don't worry though, I'm not pregnant!

Staci said...

OH- Tell Bill I said Happy Birthday! My mom turned 49 today! How crazy is that? She doesn't even look near that! I hope I age well.

When does Sam come home?