Friday, October 07, 2005


Yes, as you know it's Friday. Justus is with Sam & I'm again in computer land. Mom & Jake are cleaning out this room so that my brother & his wife have a place to sleep next weekend. (Nathan's wedding).

They are both in a crazy, silly mood. And I'm on the way. Too crazytown. I guess it's all the rain from Tammy.

Tonight is Sam & I are supposed to start painting Justus' room. It's our livingroom right now but we are trying to rearrange to that J can have his own room & we can have more privacy.

I'll try to keep you updated. And I'll for sure take pics. I guess I'm gonna bet out of the way so I see you all soon.

ps sorry this was so boring...oh well.


Anonymous said...

Painting is sure to send you to "sillyland" just a little faster. : P Hope everything goes well.

Nicole said...

sounds fun... when you gonna answer your phone????