Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Hold you momma, hold me.....

My little j-bean is sick. He slept until 11:30 this morning and then went back down for a nap from 2-4pm. Holy cow, I hope he sleeps tonight. Anyways he has wanted to be held all day. Walking around saying "hold you momma, hold me." Too cute.
I think we are both getting a cold, something else to share with all you who have been sick the past couple of weeks. I hope that this passes quickly, cause as you already know ----it's not much fun!

I have a doctors appointment this friday (I have a piece of glass stuck in my finger& she has to give me a referral to some kind of surgeon who can take it out) so, if we're still sick I guess we'll pass up the whole finger thing & concentrate on breathing!


dana said...

Jesse started with the whole "mama can I hold you?" thing and then Emma heard him saying it and picked it up too, so now they both ask if they can hold me. I love it. I hope you feel better soon, I know that cough and sickness and agree, it is no fun. thanks for the comments by the way. that wedding pic is 3 1/2 yrs old and the other one of me holding my niece is 2 yrs old. but i look the same, no weight gain no more gray hairs or wrinkles so that one is pretty accurate, but I am going to try and post more pics as I get them. love ya

Staci said...

How did you get glass in your finger? Or was that from like forever ago??? I'm lost.

Jamie said...

being sick when your kids are is about as fun as getting a root canal.