Sunday, January 08, 2006

3 in a row

I'm doing OK on my goal to be more commited to spiritually important things. Today was my third week in a row making it to church. I ended up in the nursery b/c we went to the first service and the workers did not show up. IT was still good though I got to know one of the teenage spanish girls. She brought in a little girl and I played with her for a while. After that she & Justus entertained themselves which was nice. Hopefully next week will be a sucess too!


Staci said...

Glad all went well. Hope you get to go next week. I am sure once my little one comes, I will be calling you trying to figure out how to manage being a Pastors wife and a mom, and a Childrens pastor on top of that. I'm sure if I were not the Childrens pastor, I would miss a lot more Sunday's- esp with this pregnancy- and after the baby's born. I am going to ask my pastor on Monday what he expects of me the rest of my pregnancy (almost in my 3rd trimester) and what he expects of me after the baby is born. Its hard to manage it all now- I'm sure things will be even more hectic once Baby Cook is here. Ahh- I don't want to deal with it now- I'm just going to sit back and relax.... YEAH RIGHT.
Okay have a great week... stay warm okay.

~Crystal~ said...

Yoanna (Next Top Model) is hosting a show called 'Dress for Less' on the Style Network. She was one of my favorites too! :)