Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Depression Hurts

Have you guys seen those commercials lately??? I have seen them alot. It asks the question: who does it hurt? Answer:everyone. And so on.

Well, yesterday our MOPS (mothers of preschoolers) guest speaker spoke about depression. The myths & truths of it all. This lady came prepared with more than a dozen books she had read through and 3 years worth of testimony about her own depression. And of course what God had done in her. Including how she deals with depression even now.

Since I have dealt with depression myself I wanted to share some highlights & maybe a few low points in my own journey. And of course share what our speaker helped us to understand. Since April you have shared in some of my low points and have been a great support for me.

That is a great step in dealing with depression. Having a support system. The neat thing is that you don't have to be side by side to support each other. It's kind of intersting to think of b/c when I was a new Christian I prayed that God would send me friends to understand me. Who I could "run" to in time of need. It seemed that HE wasn't enough b/c he wasn't physically there. Now I know the true meaning of friendship I am thankful for each of you. And a God to sticks closer than a brother even when we can't see!

So here is a sample the technical stuff.

#1Warning lights:
Low self-esteem, self-worth. Loss of interest, things (forgetfulness).
Irretable, Isolated, increase of appetite, identity crises
Guilt- God where are you? Guilt over anger
Heredity, hopelessness, helpless
Trouble planning, tears, tired,tasks become overwhelming
Sad, sickness & self talk (I'll be happy when, I can't, what- if thinking)

As always everyone is different. Having some of these sign doesn't necessarily mean you are depressed. They could be warning symptoms resulting from issues you have dealt with or aren't dealing with but need to, etc.

#2 Things you should know about depression:
1 in 5 women will experience depression in her lifetime
Depression is the number one cause of disability in women
20% of women will experience postpatum deprssion ANYTIME during the first year.

The impact of untreated depression on the brain is enormous. There is an area of the brain that generates new cells, untreated depression is associated with irreversible damage to this area. Depriving the brain of the ability to replace aging & dying cells. The brain effects of untreated depression can affect other organs of the body.
(Getting over the blues pg. 23)

* That point scared me a little bit b/c most people don't want to admit depression. Knowing that it doesn't only affect your thoughts but your body as well made me listen really closely.

#3 Other symptoms of Depression:
Aches & pains not explained by other medical conditions- physical
Sleep disturbances (insomnia, extreme fatigue)-physical
Constant dissappointment with self or others-emotional
Feeling NUMB-emotional
Trouble making decisions-mental
Inability to concentrate-mental
Feeling abandoned or rejected by God-spiritual
Lack of purpose, sense of emptiness-spiritual
Withdrawl- relational

What can you do???

Make yourself a priority!

*Talk with others: Women are relational, we function best when well connected with each other.
*Learn to identify & change patterns that may have contributed to depression.
*Stop blaming yourself for physical limitations and/or weaknesses.
*Let go of emotions that paralyze you: guilt, self pitty, anger. Whatever they may be.
*Be able to say NO! Don't let others agenda's throw you off of what God has for you. (easily said, hard to do!)
*Consider that pride may be an issue, not being able to recognize ourselves as imperfect.

What about anti-depressants?

We tend to completly cut this thought out as soon as it is suggested. WHY? Fear of addiction. "I'm a christian, I'm stronger than that". Not being able to be in control...not knowing how our body will react. I personally have thought ALL of these things.

Simple thoughts:
Depression can't be cured by taking medicine alone.
Research has shown that individual therapy to be as effective as medication
Only GOD can give us the unfailing love we crave!
He loves us not because we are worthy but because he chooses to. We don't have to prove ourselves to him. His love is unconditional.
Recognize the strengths God has developed in you through experiencing depression.

Verses of comfort:

Psalm 91:4 " He will cover you with his feathers, and under his winds you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield & rampart."

Isaiah 40:29 "He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak."

Isaiah 45:3 " I will give you the treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Isreal, who summons you by name."

So many times I have felt darkness all around me. This verse reminds me that there are treasures there too, even when I it is too dark to see them.

OK, I've decided to do a part two. This is getting way to long. Sorry if this is of no interest to you. I just need to share.


dana said...

I needed to read that, looking forward to part 2. I went to the dr. for depression too cuz it is common in diabetics too, but i am not sure it had to do with my diabetes. he gave me medicine but it made me jittery, i have been afraid to try other medicine. thanks for the post. i know how common depression is. actually i think the 1 in 5 women number is kinda low. love ya

prftpeace said...

Check all this out carefully---depression is a SYMPTOM of something else going on--NOT A DIAGNOSIS. If you decide to take meds check them out extensively before doing so. I was put on meds for a short period of time to help me when my dad died. The med caused more problems than it cured--in fact, caused more symptoms of depression than I had originally. I became narcoleptic--unable to feel physical touch or pain--I became uncaring...about anything. I told my doctor that if I was told not to go to sleep because if I did I wouldn't wake up--I wouldn't care..I'd go to sleep anyway. He said that proved I was suicidal. Hum.....never was before the meds. He said I should increase the meds---I got off them. All the problems went away. Just be careful about what meds you take. Google the name of the med and add "side effects". When I finally did this I was shocked, horrified! It was unbelievable! I found pages and pages of horrible side effects and could check off more than 80% of the side effects that I was experiencing. These were doctors and actual people telling of what they were experiencing or had experienced. Just make an informed decision about which med to take. Reasearch them extensively and YOU tell your doctor which one to let you use AND consider the advice I was given by a psychiatrist--NEVER NEVER NEVER let a general practicioner or family doctor administer anti-depresants. They simply are not trained to do so properly.

native-nc said...

I personally am not a meds person. Many antidepressants are made to "numb" the pain, again a scary thought. They have helped several people I know, who have had a chemical imbalance. Having to do with seratonin(sp). This isnt an option or need for everyone. But no one should feel guilty or ashamed if this is the best thing for them!

Another thing about meds is that they are often TEMPORARY.

Nicole said...

good post... and i agree with deb about being careful with meds (not saying you were advising to use them lightly) but I've suffered with depression in several different stages of my life... i've also been prescribed meds but like Deb, those meds made me numb. The first time i was prescribed an antidepressant i was only 16... it was right after i had Jessica... everyone around me could see a huge difference once I started taking them... and not a good kind of difference... it was scary. I also agree with Deb about who prescribes them... a lot of doctors are to hasty in passing out drugs instead of trying to get to the root of the problem... whether its antidepressants, pain killers or other drugs. I wish more doctors cared about their patients instead of their pocketbooks.

okay... well i'd better step of my soap box... i really did enjoy your post... its an eye opener. I think a lot of women are suffer from this but b/c depression sounds so horrible they'd rather not admit it.

really stepping down now... night

~Crystal~ said...

That was a good post & very imformative! I've experienced depression in different stages in my life also. One time I was suicidal. I was never put on meds though. Maybe because I didn't ever go to the dr about it. But I do know people that have been put on meds & it made a world of a difference. I know that if it weren't for the meds that they would have gone crazy or even killed themselves. One person I know, when they are off their meds, you can't bare to be around them. So, I say take some meds! Sure be careful, but meds ain't all that bad. If I needed them I would totally take them.

Anonymous said...

I have to give my 2 cents since my family uses natural medicine and it works wonders....alot of depression does have to do with some imbalace or another (I've studied a lot about this we've dealt with it and I work with a naturopathic Dr.) A lot of these imbalances have to do with mineral and other type of dificiancies in our body that can be FIXED not MASKED with natural things that don't have side affects, what a concept! My husband takes something for anxiety that has to do with seretonin imbalance and it's very natural and helps much more that Rx drugs did. I used to take prozac out of desperation but it's amazing what natural progesterone has done in place of it! Break out of the box and try something different:)

glorybeam said...

Dealing with depression in Alaska adds a whole new set of problems, with the cold and darkness. I have a blog called, "Treasures of Darkness" where I share some articles and posts on depression.