Tuesday, February 28, 2006

We took Justus to the doctor yesterday for his two year checkup. He's doing great! In the 97% for his height & 90% for his wight. The doctor said he should be tall & lean. Sam and I laughed a little at that but hey, it sounds good right?? The good thing is he does like veggies & fruits better than sam or I so maybe the doc knows her stuff.

I having been feeling baby flutters for the past few weeks but last night I felt three kicks! Long enough to know what they were but Sam didnt get there in time to join in the fun. So cool!!!!


dana said...

awww i wish i could feel that again. poor sam, there will be plenty of time for that though right? (i mean to feel the baby move)

Nicole said...

pretty exciting stuff

dana said...

is everything ok?