Thursday, June 08, 2006


Blogger must be having crazy problems! I haven't been able to get on it a couple of days. So anyways- I updated on xanga since I couldn't get on here.

Well the I went to the doctor today. I'm still holding at gaining 5 pounds. Truthfully I attribute that to the stomach bug that has been visiting our house for more than a week now. After we got over it (adams') the other half of the family got it too (bargers). Mom still has a touch of it but in general we all feel better!

I asked to doc to check things out since Sam is going out of town in at the end of the month. Well, I am 2 centimeters dialated. This could get interesting. The day that sam gets back from camp I will be 35 weeks. The very next day my parents/jacob leave for Florida. And everyone wants to be here when the baby is born. I have one more appointment before everyone starts going out of town. I could stay at 2 for forever. Time to play the waiting game.

Three things----it seems that the second week of July would be good for everyone. That week would be only one week early according my calculations (my original due date was July 21st). And as far as I am concerned this baby can come as soon as he is ready...healthy and all that jazz.

Am I ready?? My house??? My son??? Not really but in general you're never "ready".

I am still measuring ahead. I think it's just my regular old fat roll that is throwing them off.

Question for you who have more than one child: Do you aquire another fat roll with each child??? If so, then two is enough for me.


dana said...

I only have 2 so I can't comment on one fat roll for every child, but yeah, 2 is good for me. lol. Glad things are good for you guys. Love ya

Jamie said...

Hey Tiff I posted an idea for future meals for you on the recipe place. You gotta post a few while you still can!

Nicole said...

I've had some trouble with blogger lately too... its taking forever for some people's to load all the way... or sometimes when I try and leave a comment the comment page takes forever to load.

well I'm praying that baby comes when its convenient for everyone... wink wink ;) I can't wait to see pictures!!!!!! Did you guys decide on a name yet? I still think Nicholas is a good choice.

love ya!

ps. give stack a hug for me