Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Well, I don't remember what I wrote last time; so here is a general overview.

I went to the doc last thursday; all is well. On Friday we were at the church most of the day having a cookout for the youth; end of the year celebration. After that I went to Staci's house to see her & the family while Sam went to a birthday party for one of the youth.

Saturday I went yardsale-ing with stack's family while the boys slept. When I got home Sam had to leave & take the youth to Charlotte for an outreach & drama workshop. It was a VERY long day. I took a shower I got Justus ready. Mom & I took Justus and Brandon to the movies- we saw CARS. Justus watched the entire thing once we finally got in there.

Justus had a tragic blowout while we were in line waiting to get our tickets. It was bad!!! I used every wipe there was. And all the napkins that were in the truck. He got poop all over creation. Including his shorts; we didn't have the normal extra change of clothes! Poor kid he had to go see the movie with his T-shirt, diaper , & tennis shoes on. How embarassing. OH WELL!

Sunday was church of course but I did go see Staci & Chloe for a little while. Then Justus came over & played at stack's until he got fussy and we came home. On Monday Staci & I went shopping. We each found a few cute things. IT was fun to be childless for a couple of hours!

This week is another busy one. We have graduation partys. graduation, a baby shower for my friend Traci....bla, bla bla. Lots to do. I promised Staci I would make her homemade Cheerwine ice cream. We're gonna try to do that sometime Thursday. YUMMY! I can't wait!